Linen Mill Incense Match Box
10 luxury Match Sticks + 8 handrolled incense cones which can be used with the poolbegs burners.
Breath in..
In your minds eye picture field after field of blueflax flowers, swaying gently in the breeze.
In time, these blooms will yield up their precious threads to be woven into irish linen - fresh and pure as a white cloud drifting softly across a lavender sky.
Lavender | Bergamot | Blueflax
Set your cone on the base of your incense burner. Light the tip of the cone and allow to burn for 15 seconds, then blow out. Place the top of your incense burner back on the base and enjoy your linen mill incense cones.
Box contains 8 hand rolled incense cones and 10 luxury matches.
Box dimensions 9cm x 5cm x 2cm